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Naturopathic Medicine

“Naturopathic medicine starts with supporting the body in its amazing ability to heal itself.

By looking at the root cause of illness rather than just symptoms and promoting health and healing through natural therapies, naturopathic medicine is a successful non-invasive way to prevent acute and chronic illness as well as reduce reliance upon prescription medications (and all of their side effects). Think of it as your gateway to optimal health. From diet and exercise, to understanding your body’s unique chemistry, naturopathic medicine allows you to boost your immune system, prevent and treat both acute and chronic diseases and increase your energy level.

Naturopathic doctors (NDs) are primary care providers and use a comprehensive approach to assist patients in disease prevention and improving overall health. NDs are unique in their treatment methods and look at the root cause of illness, rather than just suppressing the symptoms. Naturopathic treatment draws from a number of modalities and is tailored to the individual. Depending on the doctor’s approach and the needs of the individual patient, treatments include clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathic medicine, physical treatments, acupuncture and Asian medicine, lifestyle counselling, or a combination of these.

Naturopathic medicine fits very well with the provincial vision for a transformed healthcare system and many NDs are community-based practitioners and already integrated into practice groups with MDs, acupuncturists, chiropractors and other primary healthcare providers.

Examples of the kinds of referrals NDs commonly receive from MDs include acupuncture to treat infertility or migraines, nutritional therapy for high cholesterol or irritable bowel syndrome, and herbal and lifestyle therapies for allergies and asthma. NDs also receive many referrals for patients with unresponsive chronic and complicated conditions. NDs are trained to provide collaborative care and work with referring physicians on the progress of care.”

- From the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (https://oand.org/naturopathic-medicine/)

Naturopathic medicine is based on six principles:

1) First Do No Harm

Naturopathic Doctors (ND's) are licensed, drugless practitioners. ND's provide effective health care utilizing methods and medical substances which provide the least risk to the patient at all times.

2) Vis Medicatrix Naturae

Defined as the healing power of nature, ND's recognize and respect that the body has an inherent self-healing wisdom, and work with this wisdom to promote health.

3) Identify and Treat the Cause

Symptoms outwardly reflect a disharmony that is occurring deeper with the body. In order for true healing of the body to occur the ND must identify and treat the root cause, rather than suppressing these symptoms.

4) Treat the Whole Person through Individualized Treatment

ND's are trained to assess each individual as a whole person taking into account such factors as; physical, mental, emotional, hereditary, environmental, risk and individual susceptibility to disease. Treatment plans are then individualized for each patient.

5) Doctor as Teacher

ND's educate and encourage their patients to actively participate in their own health. This empowers patients and allows them to take charge of their health rather than waiting for disharmony to occur in their bodies.

6) Prevention

ND's are preventative medicine specialists. We assist you in effectively maintaining a healthy and pain free lifestyle by making appropriate interventions.

Naturopathic medicine treats a variety of both chronic and acute conditions. ND's treat patients of all ages from infants to the elderly.


Treatments used by ND's

  • Clinical Nutrition

  • Physical Medicine

  • Lifestyle Counseling

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Acupuncture

  • Homeopathic Medicine

  • Botanical Medicine