Naturopathic services are covered under most extended health plans!
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic medicine is a unique and holistic approach to primary healthcare, focusing on prevention, treatment, pain relief, and optimal wellness, through the use of natural substances and therapies.
Allergy Sensitivity Testing
The Avatar Testing allows for fast and accurate testing that is pain free with no harmful side effects.
Thin and Healthy Weight Loss Program
THIN and Healthy is a 9 week program designed and run by Dr. Steels to help you lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle and healthy weight long after the initial losing phase is over.
BioFlex Laser Therapy
Painless, low- intensity lasers are a safe and effective way to treat your pain, restore normal cell function and enhance your body's healing process.
Live Blood Analysis
Live-cell microscopy is an analytical procedure that uses a dark field microscope to analyze an individual's blood.
Laboratory Testing
Your ND may recommend you have laboratory testing completed for certain conditions. She can provide you with requisitions for further testing and interpret results when completed.
NAET Treatment
NAET (Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination) is a technique that helps to eliminate food intolerances and allergies.
Rubimed Therapy
A revolutionary natural healing method from Europe. Unresolved emotional conflicts are tested and then resolved using unique natural remedies which restore health and well being on all levels.